Current Canine Influenza Outbreak
Current Canine Influenza Outbreak Between July and October 2021, approximately 800 confirmed and suspected cases of K9 Influenza (CIV H3N2) have been reported in dogs of LA County. Sadly, 7 deaths in dogs have been associated with this outbreak. There was a...

How to Introduce a New Cat Into Your Household
Have you recently welcomed a new feline family member into your home? Introducing your new cat to your current cat will likely be a challenge, but we’ve outlined basic steps for introducing cats to make your task easier. Step 1: Create separate resource areas...

At-Home Dental Care for Your Furry Friend!
Don’t forget to care for your pet’s pearly whites! Bacteria and tartar buildup in the mouth can cause heart, liver, and kidney problems for your furry pal. There are many methods besides just toothbrushing that can help support your furry friend's dental health! ...

Buckle Up! Car Travel Safety Tips for Pets
When taking a vacation or a road trip, you may want to include your pet in the fun and excitement. But, before heading out on your trip, ensure your pet is prepared for travel with the following tips from our team here at Vet Care Pet Clinic. #1: Keep your pet safe...