State of the art


Vet Care Pet Clinic’s Hospital offers complete care for you dog or cat. Our veterinarians offer onsite emergency, surgical, laboratory and pharmacy services.

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Our pet hospital’s quality veterinary services and care are delivered to our customers through empathy for the patient and unmatched bedside manner. Vet Care Pet Hospital was created to be your animal’s care center, meeting their needs as well as yours. We designed our full-service veterinary hospital to offer complete veterinary care. These are Vet Care’s commitments to our clients and their pets.

Hospital & Mobile Services

Canine Services

Office Exam – $65
To view our vaccination pricing and packages for dogs here! Our vaccines include Rabies, DA2PP, Lepto, Bordetella, Canine Influenza H3N2/H3N8, Lyme, Rattlesnake, and Deworming vaccinations!

Feline Services

Office Exam – $55
View our vaccination pricing and packages for cats here! Our vaccines include Rabies, FeLV, FVRCP, Deworming.

Anal Gland Expression

Anal sacs (also called anal glands) are two small glands just inside your pet’s anus. The material secreted into these sacs is thick, oily, stinky, and is commonly described as smelling fishy. Most wild animals can voluntarily empty these glands for scent marking or self-defense (like a skunk might do); however, domestic animals have largely lost their ability to empty these sacs voluntarily. Our veterinarians will help make your pet more comfortable by emptying their anal sacs.

View pricing for canine and feline anal gland expression under additional services.

Nail Trimming
For many pet owners, trimming a pet’s nails—dog or cat—can seem like a daunting task. If you have trouble trimming your pet’s nails, our team can help! Call us today if you need to schedule a nail trim.

View pricing for canine and feline nail trimming under additional services.

Vet Care Pet Clinic stocks numerous medications that your pets may need. If we do not carry a specific medication we will provide a written prescription.

View pricing for canine and feline prescriptions under additional services.

A microchip is about the size and shape of a grain of rice and is placed underneath your pet’s skin between the shoulder blades. Microchip implantation takes only a few minutes and is very safe. Each microchip is unique and carries vital information about your pet—including your name, address, and contact information. When a microchip is implanted, the pet owner is given a registration form to complete. Our clinic uses HomeAgain microchips.

View pricing for canine and feline microchipping under additional services.

Parasite Prevention
It’s easy to keep your pet protected from parasites like fleas, ticks, and heartworm, and we’re here to help. Fleas and ticks are not only a source of irritation to your pet, but they can also harbor disease and adversely affect your pet’s health. Heartworm is a dangerous parasite that lives in your pet’s heart, damages the heart muscle, and can be fatal. Contact us to make sure your pet is protected from these harmful parasites! We carry the following products for parasite prevention:

View pricing for canine and feline parasite prevention under additional services.

Puppies and kittens should be dewormed at least twice 2 to 3 weeks apart, as a way to prevent infestation of parasites such as roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and hookworms. These parasites can affect your pet’s ability to absorb nutrients, damage the intestinal tract’s lining, and cause your pet to become very ill.

View pricing for canine and feline deworming under additional services.

Heartworm Tests
Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease in pets in the United States and many other parts of the world. It is caused by foot-long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels of affected pets, causing severe lung disease, heart failure, and damage to other organs in the body. Heartworm is a serious disease, but the good news? It’s completely and easily preventable! Contact us to get your pet started on heartworm preventative today.

View pricing for canineheartworm services under additional services.

Fecal Exams
Fecal tests allow your veterinarian to check your pet for intestinal parasites, including roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, coccidia, and giardia. All pets should be tested for parasites at least annually. More frequent fecal may be necessary for puppies.

View pricing for canine and feline fecal exams under additional services.

Feline Leukemia & AIDS Tests

Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus are two highly contagious viruses found in our feline communities. FELV and FIV have a wide range of effects on the feline body and deplete the immune system. These two viruses are easily spread from cat to cat and are not curable once infected. Infection is mainly spread from contact with infected secretions such as saliva and can be transferred via blood, urine, feces, and breast milk. The FELV/FIV test is a straightforward test that requires a small blood sample.

Health Certificates

Our veterinarians perform health examinations for dogs and cats and will be happy to assist you in preparing your pet’s health documents. Travel document requirements vary widely by country, so it is best to do some homework before making any arrangements.


our veterinary services can help your pet stay healthy and happy.

Vet Care Pet Clinic’s veterinary hospital offers complete care for your dog or cat. We feature onsite emergency, surgical, laboratory, and pharmacy services. We can quickly analyze medical samples in our laboratory that is equipped with the latest in cutting edge vet care technology. This enables us to offer critical diagnostics for time-sensitive treatment services. We also utilize anesthetic regimens that have the safest protocols administered by our expertly trained team members. Our onsite radiology services enable us to produce complete digital results in minutes.

Senior Pet Care

Regular wellness visits are important for every stage of your pet’s life, so don’t forget to keep your senior pet’s scheduled wellness appointments. Your senior pet’s wellness examination is also your chance to have us address any of your questions or concerns about your pet. We welcome your questions and encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your pet’s health care.

Anesthetic Dental

Your pet’s dental care is not different than your own dental care; it requires constant maintenance and oversight. Sometimes, an anesthetic dental is necessary, which involves scraping and removing tartar build-up, polishing the teeth, and applying a protective fluoride coating. Full-mouth dental radiographs (x-rays) are also taken to evaluate the health of the teeth under the gum line.

Our dental special is $695 and includes Baseline Blood Work, IV Catheter, General Anesthesia, Ultrasonic Scaling, Polishing and Fluoride Treatment. Extractions and other services are available at an additional fee.

*An exam and bloodwork are required before a dental appointment.

Spay & Neuter

We prefer to neuter and spay dogs between the ages of 5-1/2 and 9-1/2 months, earlier for the small dogs and later for the large and giant breeds. Pets that have been spayed or neutered are less likely to get into trouble because they are less likely to wander away. We know that spaying before the first heat will give the female dogs a 95% reduction in their chances of developing mammary tumors; they cannot then develop an infection of the uterus (a pyometra) uterine cancers. Neutered male dogs are at a much-reduced risk of prostate disease, perianal tumors, and testicular cancer.

Cats are usually spayed or neutered between 5-1/2 and 6-1/2 months. Cats in heat or pregnant can also be spayed. View our pricing here.

Hospital Only Services

Hospital Only Services

Senior Pet Care

Regular wellness visits are important for every stage of your pet’s life, so don’t forget to keep your senior pet’s scheduled wellness appointments. Your senior pet’s wellness examination is also your chance to have us address any of your questions or concerns about your pet. We welcome your questions and encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your pet’s health care.

Anesthetic Dental

Your pet’s dental care is not different than your own dental care; it requires constant maintenance and oversight. Sometimes, an anesthetic dental is necessary, which involves scraping and removing tartar build-up, polishing the teeth, and applying a protective fluoride coating. Full mouth dental radiographs (x-rays) are also taken to evaluate the health of the teeth under the gum line.

Spay & Neuter

We prefer to neuter and spay dogs between the ages of 5-1/2 and 9-1/2 months, earlier for the small dogs and later for the large and giant breeds. Pets that have been spayed or neutered are less likely to get into trouble because they are less likely to wander away. We know that spaying before the first heat will give the female dogs a 95% reduction in their chances of developing mammary tumors; they cannot then develop an infection of the uterus (a pyometra) uterine cancers. Neutered male dogs are at a much-reduced risk of prostate disease, perianal tumors, and testicular cancer.

Cats are usually spayed or neutered between 5-1/2 and 6-1/2 months. Cats in heat or pregnant can also be spayed.